For some time, from Fortune 100 boardrooms to solo practitioner home offices, there has been a debate regarding Twitter and whether its social media platform qualifies as a fundamental marketing tool or something that belongs in the hands of folks who prefer to tweet the latest celebrity gossip for fun. 

According to Twitter, 1.6 billion unique visitors see tweets on third-party properties every month, which equates to 500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year. 

With that type of reach, it’s safe to consider Twitter to be a realistic and helpful approach to expand your business and have instant public messages delivered to the hands of your target audience, whether it’s a group of coworkers, existing customers, or future customers.

1. Improve your brand awareness by raising your profile. 

Your brand’s Twitter profile represents your picture, and how plain yet appealing it appears has a significant impact on your brand recall value on the network. Everything from your Twitter handles to your profile image, header, and bio is included. 

As a brand, keep your Twitter handle as brief and straightforward as possible – one that is easy to remember and utilize. This raises the likelihood that your clients or prospects will tag you in their posts. 

Because there is no way to use the word ‘&’ in a handle, the apparel retailer H&M simplified their Twitter account to @hm. Unlike other similar brands, such as Marks & Spencer (or M&S), which has the handle @marksandspencer, or the baby care brand Johnson & Johnson, which has the handle @JNJCares, H&M made it incredibly short, simple, and recall-friendly by removing the ‘and.’ 

To keep your Twitter account as short as possible, make it as similar to your brand name as possible. Maintain consistency in your brand name across all of your social media profiles for more excellent recall. 

Next, make sure your profile photo is eye-catching while also being relevant to your brand. Most brands choose their logo as their profile image because it is easily identifiable. 

2. Tweet while your audience is completely silent. 

People are more active on Twitter during certain hours or days of the week. This is when your tweet has the best chance of being seen by most of your audience and is sometimes referred to as peak hours. Customers may even engage with your tweet more effectively during these hours due to the time of day and the amount of their attention span. 

According to Hubspot’s Dan Zarrella, social, search, and viral marketing scientist, tweets made on the weekends – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – had more excellent CTRs than those posted on other days of the week.

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3.Use the appropriate hashtags and do it intelligently. 

Hashtags are difficult to use! You can’t live without them, but overdoing them may do more harm than good. According to a Buffer post, tweets with hashtags generate twice as much attention as those without. At the same time, tweets with more than two hashtags experience a 17% decrease in engagement. 

Other programs, such as Hashtagify, can assist you in identifying the best ones for your tweets based on the keywords you mention in the tweet. Hashtagify also gives you the strength of a hashtag, allowing you to choose which ones to use. RiteTag is another tool that determines the optimal hashtags for your tweet. 

With the aid of these tools, you can acquire a list of several hashtags and feel tempted to utilize the majority of them but resist the urge. Use them sparingly and judiciously to avoid becoming lost in a sea of tweets.

4.Experiment with tweet composition — tweet size, photos, and videos, for example. 

Shorter tweets are believed to elicit a higher level of response and engagement. According to Dan Zarrella’s research, the ideal length for tweets with links is 120-130 characters. It also demonstrates that links perform better when inserted at the beginning of a tweet. 

Using photos in your tweets, for example, improves the likelihood of it getting retweeted. A tweet containing an image is likely to receive more clicks and shares than one without an image. 

Include relevant, intriguing, and high-quality photos. Showcase a product or brand identity alongside typographic messages, or include an image from the article or one about it when tweeting an article link. 

Videos can also be used in tweets. Visuals or images are naturally more enticing than plain text, while videos go further in engaging people. You have the option of directly recording a new video or simply uploading a branded video with your tweet. Take, for example, Zara’s tweet promoting their new denim line.

5.Interact and engage with Twitter polls and tweet chats. 

Polls are an excellent approach to understand your audience and their preferences better, and Twitter polls allow your followers to interact with you on your page. You may quickly make a Twitter poll by clicking on the poll button at the bottom of the page in the ‘add a new tweet’ capability and entering your poll question and choices. 

Hosting tweet chats is another excellent technique to make your Twitter marketing more interactive. A Twitter chat allows you to discuss a topic, solicit customer feedback, and build a sense of community. 

You can plan a Twitter chat by choosing a topic, date, and time for the discussion, as well as a relevant and distinct hashtag. Announce this event to your fans on Twitter and other platforms, such as your website. Participants in the Twitter conversation will be able to view all postings, questions, and responses and post their own using the hashtag. 

Bonus: Contact ElitebGrowth for best marketing solutions.

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