20 reasons Why you Should use Google Analytics for your business queries

Analytics is a powerful tool that can be used for many reasons by business owners and managers.

Analytics provides analytics data to help businesses improve their analytics, marketing analytics, operational efficiency as well as risk management among other things.

Here are 20 of the most common benefits of analytics usage:

Analytics usage in business is becoming more and more popular. The term analytics stands for the activity of examining data with the purpose to establish meaningful patterns in order to make better decisions based on this knowledge. And, when it comes down to analytics usage in business, there are lots of reasons why you should use analytics for your business queries via Organic SEO Services.

1. To know what your customers like best

The most important thing about any business is knowing its customer preferences. Analytics will help you gain insight into what people buy using their previous purchase history; this way you will be able to learn what they like best without even asking them directly. Such information is priceless since it provides valuable insights necessary for your company’s improvement.

2. To spot trends

Analytics not only helps you understand your customers’ preferences (see above) but also provides insight into trending products. This way, your business will be able to stay ahead of the market development and set yourself apart by providing unique items.

3. To spot problems quickly

Since analytics are regularly updated, it is possible for businesses to access their analytics dashboards regularly or even daily in order to spot any issues instantly without waiting too long. Such insights help companies fix problems before they become widespread which saves them money on potential losses caused by product failure, customer dissatisfaction etc.

4. To test business strategies

Since analytics can be regularly accessed its analytics dashboard, it is easy for businesses to test the success of marketing strategies before committing resources thus avoiding any financial loss in the process.

5. To forecast business performance

Business analytics provides analytics data that can be used to forecast future business performance. For example, analytics could show when your business will receive most orders during the day thus allowing you to better plan for staffing and other requirements.

6. To monitor competition

Analytics provides businesses with information about their competitor’s activities which allows them to monitor their opponents’ moves and even predict their next actions based on available analytics data. Such insights allow businesses of all sizes to prepare more efficient counter-strategies before it is too late.

7. To compare business segments

As mentioned above, analytics help track a company’s sales by product or customer segment giving a clear perspective of how certain businesses perform. You can use analytics for comparing business segments and even spotting trends in order to further improve your business performance.

8. To avoid legal issues

Since analytics data is collected electronically, it can be used as a reference if you ever need to prove the authenticity of your claims due to potential legal issues such as those related to product liability, employment practices, or consumer fraud. Since analytics provide actual numbers that can be verified, analytics reports become very helpful when proving your business case.

9. To benchmark your business against competitors

If you don’t know how well your business is doing compared with its competitors, analytics can help – analytics data makes it possible for businesses to compare their performance against the competition thus making sure they stay ahead of their opponents.

10. To increase the value of your business analytics

As mentioned already, when analytics are regularly updated, it is possible to use analytics data in order to identify market changes in real-time. Such analytics provide constant information that can be used in marketing campaigns or other management practices thus increasing their effectiveness significantly.

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11. To find new customers

Finding new customers may not sound very much like analytics usage but analytics does help track potential prospects which provide businesses with an opportunity to reach out to them before others get a chance; this way you can get ahead by communicating your unique propositions through personalized messages instead of using traditional sales tactics. And don’t forget about cross-selling and up-selling – analytics make it possible by showing what customers are more likely to buy or how exactly you can improve existing products.

12. To lower business costs

Analytics provide the analytics data that allows companies to track important metrics such as sales, revenue etc. By tracking analytics regularly, businesses can lower their overheads by identifying unnecessary business expenditures before they even happen thus saving money in the process.

13. To reduce price sensitivity

Price management is critical for every business but it becomes even more important when customers are very sensitive about what they pay for your product or service. The analytics data will help you identify marketing channels that drive the most revenue and also those from which your product receives the least exposure, therefore, cutting down on marketing expenses there while simultaneously increasing them on the channels with higher returns. In addition, analytics data can help you identify prices at which your product is most likely to sell thus allowing you to boost profits when the analytics show that the price point is too low.

14. To improve operational efficiency

Operational efficiency is all about getting things done in an economical manner which analytics provides through analytics reports that are generated automatically by analytics software. For example, analytics makes it possible for businesses to track key metrics, set targets, and monitor progress thus making sure business activities are running in a controlled manner without much expenditure on resources or time.

15. To achieve better customer engagement

Customer engagement becomes easier when you have analytics data showing how customers move along the conversion path from their first interaction with your company up until they become paying clients. Such information allows businesses to understand their customers’ behavior and adjust business activities accordingly thus improving customer retention rates and boosting overall revenue.

16. To achieve better marketing analytics

Marketing analytics makes it possible for businesses to track important metrics such as traffic counts, conversion rates, and bounce rates in order to determine which marketing campaign brings the most prospects through the door and which ones could potentially damage your brand if they are being used. It is all about analytics that helps you find out how exactly you are performing against your competitors on various networks including search engines, social media, etc.

17. To meet regulations

The last but certainly not least benefit of analytics usage is that analytics data can be used by businesses in order to reveal compliance gaps so any discrepancies can immediately be caught and acted upon before they incur any additional expenditure or result in fines being imposed. Unlike analytics data that is compiled by business owners and their teams, analytics data used for analytics reporting purposes must be verified as correct and comply with all regulations which makes it a very powerful tool.

18. To identify poor performing assets

Analytics reveals business assets that require immediate attention due to low productivity levels so resources can be re-allocated towards more profitable activities instead of poor-performing ones. The analytics data also helps businesses track asset usage metrics such as the number of hours an asset was in use to determine whether it should be kept or disposed of instead.

19. Sourcing

To improve sourcing decisions Analytics enables companies to collect analytics across various suppliers cutting down on duplication costs while simultaneously improving analytics. It is analytics data that helps businesses determine which would be the best suppliers for their business and what should be the terms of sourcing such as volume discounts etc.

20. Risk management 

To improve risk management Analytics provides businesses with analytics data on various risks they face so steps can be taken to minimize threats and avoid possible losses.

When analytics is used for business purposes, it can help you make data-driven decisions and take calculated risks. It won’t guarantee success but analytics will give you the best possible chance of identifying poor-performing assets before they become a problem as well as making sure your marketing analytics are up to date so you know which channels work best for your business. Are there any analytics use cases that we missed? Let us know in the comments section below!


Many business analytics use cases increase the efficiency and profitability of a company. Analytics can help you make data-driven decisions and take calculated risks. It will not guarantee success but analytics will give startups the best possible chance of identifying poor-performing assets before they become a problem as well as making sure your marketing analytics are up to date so you know which channels work best for your business.

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