Affiliate marketing is typically considered to be one of the most complex forms of internet marketing. Amazon affiliate marketers, on the other hand, will likely agree that it’s some of the simplest-to-use tools in their kit. Marketers are given access to product data and sales metrics that are updated in real-time. Plus they have access to reports that show them exactly how their traffic converts into revenue, allowing them to track which products are performing well for them -and why. Once they discover which products work best for their audience, all they have to do is place a specially designed tracking code on their site so Amazon knows where referred traffic comes from. Then sit back and let Amazon do the rest!

Here are 19 things affiliate marketers can do to take advantage of all that Amazon affiliate marketing has to offer.

1. Start building out your affiliate link library

One way affiliate marketers can utilize what they know about their audience is by adding affiliate links to product pages where relevant, and then analyzing which products convert the best. This way you only promote affiliate products that your readers want, so never force a sale or push an affiliate product just because the commission is high. Instead, let your editorial content drive your affiliate promotions, rather than the other way around.

2. Create comparison tables

Comparison tables are an easy way for bloggers to create content surrounding something people are already looking for -and use it as a springboard for affiliate promotion opportunities. For example, affiliate marketers could create a comparison table that shows people which digital cameras have the best zoom capabilities. Then they can include affiliate links in their content to pages where they can purchase those specific products.

3. Try out new affiliate networks

There is a growing number of affiliate brands and affiliate networks competing for affiliate marketers’ attention, so finding new affiliate opportunities isn’t always easy. One way affiliate marketers can stand out from the crowd is by leveraging their knowledge of customer behavior and helping companies reach new customers at different stages of the conversion funnel by trying out a few affiliate networks until they find one that matches with both their audience and brand values. First watch what other affiliate marketers are doing with each network, then give them a try yourself to see if they fit your affiliate goals.

4. Get to know Amazon associates intimately

Becoming an affiliate marketer for Amazon isn’t as simple as filling out an application and waiting for affiliate links to roll in. You need to provide Amazon with a bit of information about yourself, plus go through a few different certification programs until you’re finally approved. Once you’ve been affiliate certified by Amazon, be sure to leverage this opportunity by getting familiar with all the tools their affiliate marketers have access to -and using them! These tools include Marketing Dashboard, Site Stripe, Product Advertising API, Build a Custom Link Builder Tool & Landing Page Creator Tool…to name but a few!

5. Be social

If you want your affiliate promotion efforts to be successful, then you need to be active on the social networks your audience uses. You can easily find affiliate programs that are a good match for your site by looking at affiliate networks’ own affiliate program directories -and if you already have an affiliate relationship with affiliate networks like Share-A-Sale or VigLink, they may even monitor your activity for potential affiliate opportunities.

6. Try running contests

If you’re not interested in becoming an Amazon affiliate yourself, but know someone who is, try running some contests on their behalf instead! Your readers can spread the word about these affiliate contests via email newsletters and social media posts until they’ve generated enough interest to reach their target goal of a new affiliate sign. Then just sit back and wait for affiliate commissions to roll in.

7. Post affiliate reviews

Affiliate marketers may be able to make affiliate income by writing product reviews, but it’s important never to write a fake review or create affiliate links that go directly into affiliate networks that are not part of the affiliate program. Some affiliate programs use affiliate networks as an intermediary between them and their affiliates, whereas other affiliate programs run their own affiliate network within which all approved affiliates are active. Either way, if you’re an affiliate marketer for an affiliate marketing platform like Share-A-Sale or VigLink, then you can simply insert your unique affiliate links right into your blog posts without having to worry about approval processes -or locating you want to review yourself!

8. Create affiliate websites

If you want to make affiliate marketing a full-time job, then affiliate sites are a great way to go about it. If you’re not sure how affiliate sites work and how they can benefit your affiliate marketing efforts, check out this post on affiliate site basics. Build a list of affiliate offers that align with your blog content and audience by using GroupHigh‘s affiliate offer search or uploading a CSV using Google Spreadsheets, then create affiliate sites to promote those offers as either standalone pages on your blog, as part of an evergreen blog series, within slide presentations, as part of your email newsletter campaign -even as ads on other blogs! Your imagination is the only limit here.

9. Start an affiliate program 

If affiliate marketing is a part of your affiliate marketing strategy, you may want to consider running an affiliate program yourself. This way, instead of waiting for affiliate commissions to roll in and leaving affiliate marketers at the mercy of affiliate networks that only allow them to earn affiliate commission on sales they’ve generated themselves, they can use their own affiliate website or social media profiles as a working tool for your affiliate program.

10. Start your own affiliate network

If becoming an affiliate marketer seems like more than just a full-time job and you’re looking into scaling up your affiliate program to increase monthly revenue, then it might be worth considering creating your very own affiliate network. You’ll have total control over your affiliates’ ads, plus the ability to track all their affiliate activities in a single affiliate management portal.

Related Post: 10 steps to make your affiliate marketing campaigns successful

11. Promote affiliate products on e-commerce sites

eBay affiliate programs enable you to earn affiliate commissions by placing affiliate links in product listings that lead to affiliate networks’ landing pages. The exact percentage of commission varies depending on the company you’re working with, but it can be up to $75 for every new customer referred outside of eBay’s platform! If you want to take things up a notch, then get started building your own e-commerce site where you’re able to sell products of your own and keep all affiliate earnings for yourself -minus fees if any apply.

12. Invite guest bloggers & partners

If you run an affiliate blog or website, then one way of increasing affiliate income might be to invite affiliate marketers and affiliate networks as guest bloggers or partners. This way, you can increase affiliate recruitment and affiliate sales at the same time by reaching out to influencers and other affiliate marketers you’ve worked with before -or would like to work with in the future.

13. Run an affiliate contest

If you want to encourage more affiliate sign-ups, then running a recurring affiliate contest that comes up every month or quarter is a great way of doing just that! Choose six or more affiliate marketing offers relevant for your audience based on which your past blog post topics have been most successful, then give away gift cards as prizes.

14. Collaborate with affiliates

Working together instead of against each other will not only result in affiliate commission increases but also give you access to affiliate marketing networks’ affiliate marketing best practices. For example, if you’re an affiliate marketer with a travel blog, then working with someone who runs an affiliate website about finance will probably benefit both of you. You can attract more potential customers and partners this way!

15. Run paid advertising campaigns 

If affiliate marketing is just one part of your affiliate marketing strategy, then adding paid advertising campaigns where your affiliate marketers can advertise affiliate offers through display ads is another great option worth exploring. This is especially effective when it comes to generating traffic from a targeted location or niche, e.g., targeting UK audiences to drive sales from the US. 16. exclusive deals Your affiliate marketers may be earning affiliate commissions on your affiliate marketing program’s affiliate offers, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be incentivized to promote affiliate offers from other affiliate networks as well! Create affiliate-exclusive deals where your affiliate marketers are able to get better conversion rates and keep what they generate.

16. Build an affiliated community

Building a strong affiliate community is not only great for increasing affiliate recruitment, but also for improving communication between your affiliates, partners, and customers. This way, you’ll not only have agents who are more familiar with the nitty-gritty of affiliate marketing communicating with each other, but you’ll also be able to assign tasks to people who are best suited for them based on their individual strengths.

17. Advertise in offline media

When affiliate marketing first started becoming a thing, one of the biggest affiliate marketing networks in existence -Clickbank- actually advertised affiliate offers in newspapers and printed magazines. You can also do that (not to mention online media) by partnering up with affiliate marketers whose list of customers is most likely interested in what you have to offer!

18. Organize webinars 

As opposed to television promotion, affiliate marketers are typically able to get higher conversion rates through affiliate program’s webinar promotions. Webinars are live presentation sessions where your affiliate network affiliates present an affiliate offer they’re promoting through your affiliate marketing program. During these presentations, attendees can ask questions or even sign up for whatever is being promoted during the webinar.

19. Invite influencers to affiliate events

 If you’re looking for affiliate marketers who are not only more experienced but also have a large following on social media, then inviting influencers to affiliate events that are hosted by your affiliate marketing program is an absolute must! Not only does this create awareness of your affiliate network’s affiliate program, but this way you’ll also be able to address individual affiliates’ questions or concerns faster.

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to generate more affiliate sales for your affiliate program. From looking at the different ways you can promote affiliate offers, improve communication between affiliates and customers/partners, or how use offline media like newspapers and magazines, there are many different avenues you can take in order to increase affiliate conversion rates. We hope this blog post has been helpful! If it sounds intimidating but you want help enacting these principles on an ongoing basis so that they work seamlessly with other aspects of digital marketing strategy such as SEO or paid advertising campaigns, let us know. Our team of experts is ready and waiting to partner with you from day one so that we’re able to create a stellar SEO plan that drives sales by considering how your customer engages at every stage of the buying process!


In affiliate marketing, the best affiliate marketers are able to generate higher conversion rates for affiliate offers because affiliate deals can be exclusive to affiliate marketers. By providing incentives for affiliate marketers to promote affiliate deals from other affiliate networks, you’ll be able to improve your affiliate campaign’s ability to generate more sales. You can also create a community of affiliates who have a better understanding of the in-depth details in affiliate marketing and use this advantage when assigning tasks. Offline media is a great way to advertise affiliate offers and they might even have a higher conversion rate than online media promotion because vendors are able to interact with the customers during webinars.

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