Our Live Projects


Your journey towards success starts with a professional logo, website and branding
solutions. Let us take away all your worries by providing you all three of these.

Wu Organization

The Wu Organization is involved in global infrastructure spanning areas from finance, technology, real estate, hospitality, 5G, robotics and space. We provide transformational advise and management experience to ensure organizations we work with are future roof when it comes to investment, strategy and growth plans. We believe great companies are built with trust, diversity and a global view through a historical lens with a passion for humanity. We work with you to bring your vision to life in a way that moral standards, public good are all aligned in a responsible and sustainable model.


At Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychological Associates (CFNA), we specialize in comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations with evidence-based assessments, drawing upon the latest discoveries in neuroscience, psychological theories, and educational research. The evaluation is a pragmatic and interactive process where individual cognitive strengths and weaknesses are identified to understand each person’s unique profile. Neuropsychological assessment can determine if observed changes are age-appropriate variations, or a signal for some sort of pathology.

JAG Consulting

JAG Consulting Services brings decades of private school experience in creating schools, leadership, operations, and management to you and your school’s specific needs. Our experience in creating and enhancing specialized schools to meet the unique needs of your school results in success for our clients.

Jeannie A. Gudith has 20+ years of experience, and her family’s background in education, dating back to the 1800’s, has led to the creation of JAG Consulting Services. Ms. Gudith is a successful educator, parent of two children, published author, and founder of several schools.


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We understand the significant roles of strong marketing activities to the success of our restaurant. Our primary goal is to increase daily sales by increasing the number of visitors who visit our restaurant daily. This we believe can be achieved through structured marketing strategies and implementation plans. We have devised plans to leverage both offline and online marketing opportunities for the growth of our business. The following are the marketing and advertising programs developed by our company

solo nutrition

You deserve to be energized for longer than 30 minutes at a time. You’re not a parking meter or sketchy carnival ride. At SoLo, we’re changing the way we think about food. Despite what the diet industry has been spewing, it’s not all about avoiding carbs (gasp). It’s about knowing how nutrients work together, how they make us feel and how they affect our blood sugar. By focusing on good fats, protein and the right kind of carbs, we bring you great-tasting, truly satisfying food that keeps you from wandering back to the vending machine for another snack every 30 minutes.

Goat Hill

Goat Hill is bustling with a great Fall 2019 season of offerings and opportunities. Dip into one of our one-night craft seminars to deepen your storytelling skills, or come for our new series of generative workshops designed to spark your imagination and creativity.

Looking for one-on-one coaching, editing, or consultation on your work? Hoping to join a multi-week writing workshop? We offer all that, too.


Roberta Powell, President of VeerSAFE, has the unique combination of transportation industry experience and healthcare experience. As a Certified Diabetes Educator, she recognized that clinic-based diabetes education was time-consuming and inconvenient especially for commercial drivers, yet annual diabetes education is a Federal requirement. Therefore, Roberta created VeerSAFE, an accessible online education platform dedicated to commercial drivers.


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